
Learn how to start integrating Design Blocks into your React Native or Expo application.

To get started with Design Blocks, you can install the package using your preferred package manager. Follow these steps:

pnpm add @design-blocks/native@beta

Keep in mind that Design Blocks is agnostic to whether you are using Expo or the React Native CLI; the installation steps are the same. Welcome to ease of use!


Config File

To configure Design Blocks, create a blocks.config.ts file (.js works too) and import createBlocks and createTokens functions from @design-blocks/native.

// blocks.config.ts
import { createTokens, createBlocks } from "@design-blocks/native";
const [themeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        text: {
          primary: "#000",
          secondary: "#fff",
        red: {
          100: "#FFEEEE",
          200: "#FACDCD",
    extendTokens: {
      spacings: {
        "7xl": 76,
      radii: {
        "6xl": 32,
      fontSizes: {
        "10xl": 80,
  utils: {
    toPixels: (value: number) => `${value}px`,
export const { block, css, themes } = createBlocks({
  themes: { light: themeTokens },

Using Your Configuration File

From this point onwards, you'll be importing block and other functions from blocks.config.

import { block, css } from "[path-to]/blocks.config";
const Description = block.Text(({ theme }) => ({
  color: theme.colors.text.primary,
  fontSize: theme.fontSizes.['10xl'],
function Screen() {
        font-Weight: '700';
export default Screen;
// App.tsx index root application react-native
import React from "react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@design-blocks/native";
import Screen from "./Screen";
import { themes } from "./blocks.config";
const App = () => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={themes.light}>
      <Screen />
export default App;