
Learn how to use the token system to customize your project and adapt it to your needs.

Tokens in Design Blocks are the foundation of theme customization. They allow you to define and consistently manage key visual aspects like colors, typography, spacing, and other design elements. Tokens facilitate:

  • Visual Consistency: Maintain a coherent look throughout your application.
  • Reusability: Reuse configurations across different components and projects.
  • Ease of Change: Update your theme in one place and reflect changes across the entire application.

How to Define Tokens

To define your own tokens, create a theme object in the blocks.config.ts, file is where you define your project’s color palette, type scale, fonts, breakpoints, border radius values, and more.

import { createBlocks, createTokens } from "@design-blocks/native";
const [lightthemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    // Define your tokens here
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        blue: {
          50: "#eff6ff",
          100: "#dbeafe",
        red: {
          50: "#fef2f2",
          100: "#fee2e2",
        text: {
          primary: "#1f2937",
          secondary: "#6b7280",
      fontSizes: {
        xs: 9,
        sm: 10,
      fontWeights: {
        hairline: "100",
        thin: "200",
    extendTokens: {
      spacings: {
        xs: 8,
        sm: 12,
      radii: {
        sm: 2,
        md: 6,
  // Define your Utility functions here
  utils: {
    toPixels: (value: number) => `${value}px`,

In Design Blocks, we offer default tokens for spacings, fontSizes, fontWeights, radii, and utils to kickstart your project. While we don't include color tokens, our @design-blocks/colors package provides a range of beautiful, accessible colors. You're free to modify or extend these tokens to meet your design needs and align with your project's goals.

Overriding Tokens

In Design Blocks, you have the flexibility to override the default tokens to better suit your project's needs. You can override spacings, fontSizes, fontWeights, radii, and utils. Here's how to do it:

// Override in your blocks.config.ts file
import { createTokens } from "@design-blocks/native";
const customTheme = {
  fontSizes: {
    xs: 10,
    sm: 12,
    // Other font sizes
  spacings: {
    xs: 12
    sm: 20,
    // Add other custom spacings
  // Continue with fontWeights, radii, and utils
const [themeTokens] = createTokens({ theme: customTheme });

Extending Tokens with extendTokens

Design Blocks allows you to extend the default set of tokens by using the extendTokens property in your theme configuration. This feature enables you to add new tokens or modify existing ones to fit your specific design requirements.

// Example of using extendTokens
const theme = {
  ... // existing token definitions
  extendTokens: {
    fontWeights: {
      bold: "700",
      extraBold: "800",
    fontSizes: {
      md: 24,
      xl: 32,
      // Other font sizes
    spacings: {
      xl: 40,
    // Other custom tokens

Theme Structure

Design Blocks supports the following token types:


The colors key allows you to customize the global color palette for your project.

const [lightThemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      colors: {
        blue: {
          50: "#eff6ff",
          100: "#dbeafe",
        red: {
          50: "#fef2f2",
          100: "#fee2e2",
        text: {
          primary: "#1f2937",
          secondary: "#6b7280",


Spacing tokens represent the margin and padding of an element. Their value is defined as a string or number.

const [lightThemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      spacings: {
        none: 0,
        xxs: 4,
        xs: 8,
        sm: 12,
        md: 16,
        lg: 24,
        xl: 32,
        "2xl": 40,
        "3xl": 48,
        "4xl": 56,
        "5xl": 64,
        "6xl": 72,
        full: "100%",
        baseSpacing: 8,

Spacing tokens are typically used in margin, marginRight, marginLeft, marginTop, marginBottom, marginVertical, marginHorizontal, padding, paddingRight, paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingBottom, paddingVertical, paddingHorizontal, gap, rowGap, columnGap properties.

El valor baseSpacing: 8, es un valor que afecta a los valores que utilise en un elemento, por ejemplo si utiliza la propiedad padding con un valor de 2 el valor final sera 16 ya que 2 * 8 = 16. esto indica que usamos un valor base de 8 para los espacios. esto puede sr util para cambiar el valor de los espacios en un solo lugar. y si desea anular este comportamiento puede definir en la configuration de su tema baseSpacing: 1, y los valores que proporciona en los espacios no se multiplicaran por 8.

Font Sizes

Font size tokens represent the size of a text element. Its value is defined as a number.

const [lightThemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      fontSizes: {
        xs: 9,
        sm: 10,
        md: 12,
        lg: 14,
        xl: 16,
        "2xl": 18,
        "3xl": 24,
        "4xl": 32,
        "5xl": 40,
        "6xl": 48,
        "7xl": 56,
        "8xl": 64,
        "9xl": 72,

Font size tokens are typically used in fontSize property.

Font Weights

Font weight tokens represent the weight of a text element. Its value is defined as a string.

const [lightThemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      fontWeights: {
        hairline: "100",
        thin: "200",
        light: "300",
        normal: "400",
        medium: "500",
        semibold: "600",
        bold: "700",
        extrabold: "800",
        black: "900",

Font weight tokens are typically used in font-weight property.


Radii tokens represent the radius of a border. Its value is defined as a number.

const [lightThemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      radii: {
        none: 0,
        base: 4,
        sm: 2,
        md: 6,
        lg: 8,
        xl: 12,
        "2xl": 16,
        "3xl": 20,
        "4xl": 24,
        "5xl": 28,
        full: 9999,

Radii tokens are typically used in borderRadius, borderBottomEndRadius, borderBottomLeftRadius, borderBottomRightRadius, borderBottomStartRadius, borderTopEndRadius, borderTopLeftRadius, borderTopRightRadius, borderTopStartRadius properties.


Size tokens represent the width and height of an element. Its value is defined as a string or number.

const [lightThemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      sizes: {
        none: 0,
        xxs: 4,
        xs: 8,
        sm: 12,
        md: 16,
        lg: 24,
        xl: 32,
        "2xl": 40,
        "3xl": 48,
        true: 48,
        "4xl": 56,
        "5xl": 64,
        "6xl": 72,
        "7xl": 80,
        "8xl": 88,
        "9xl": 96,
        "10xl": 104,
        "11xl": 112,
        "12xl": 120,
        "13xl": 128,
        "14xl": 136,
        "15xl": 144,
        "16xl": 152,
        "17xl": 160,
        "18xl": 168,
        "19xl": 176,
        "20xl": 184,
        full: "100%",

Size tokens are typically used in width, height, minWidth, maxWidth, minHeight, maxHeight properties.


A border is a line surrounding a UI element. You can define them as number values.

const [lightThemeTokens] = createTokens({
  theme: {
    tokens: {
      borders: {
        none: 0,
        true: 1,
        sm: 2,
        md: 6,
        lg: 8,
        xl: 12,
        "2xl": 16,
        "3xl": 20,
        "4xl": 24,
        "5xl": 28,

Border tokens are typically used in borderWidth, borderBottomWidth, borderEndWidth, borderLeftWidth, borderRightWidth, borderStartWidth, borderTopWidth properties.